Light breeze this morning out of the south with clear and sunny skies. We plan on going to the Alligator River Marina today unless conditions are good for crossing the Albemarle Sound. Last year we had […]
Day started a little cloudy but the fog moved in within an hour. The Sedan Bridge boat was gone when Candy and I came out for our walk at 6:10. As we were finishing our walk I […]
The wind was blowing today and the sky was cloudy this morning. They were predicting a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. the water was a light chop because there was no real fetch or depth […]
The wind was still blowing this morning but not to bad. During the night it had shifted from directly on the starboard side to about 30 degrees off the stern. It had me a little concerned […]
Candy and I were out early today. There was a large boat, probably 60′, that came in yesterday evening and they put them on the gas dock not to far from us. The boat was from Marblehead […]
(FOUND THIS BLOG IN THE ARCHIVES AS A DRAFT SO I THINK IT WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY POSTED. SORRY FOR THE SLIP-UP) The winds did not seem to be blowing quite as hard in the morning. Candy […]
Fairly cloudy this morning with a few sun patches but the temps were 50 to start and did not climb much past 60. We left the marina about 8:00 and headed north. The wind was out […]
Day started out normally but early. We were underway before 7:00 as we wanted to make Elizabeth City, NC. The winds were moderate but no problem getting off the dock and underway. About 1/2 way thru […]
Another cloudy day to start with a few sprinkles thrown in. The winds did not seem to bad in the marina and the water was a 2′ to 3′ chop on the Neuse River. The wind […]
Kind of a gray day to start with and light winds. The sun did come out until later in the morning. This section of the ICW has really 3 parts to it. The first part is along the […]