Nice morning, The sun was out and it was maybe 60 F. Kelso and I did a good walk early and then I spent some time getting yesterday’s post finished and posted.. It did not hurt that the KOA had pancakes for breakfast (free) and I went over and sampled a couple.
We got on the road about 10:20 am for the ride to Billings. I broke it up a little so we had less mileage each day. The land was flat again but soon I could see some mountains in the distance as we headed Southeast. The terrain started getting the hills in it but it is mostly cattle ranches and farms. There are not a lot of trees in this part of Montana. We did run thru about 20 minutes of some light rain and I could see two other storms on the horizon, one on each side of us. Fortunately we did not run into those and they seemed to stay with the mountains.
Traffic was light and we ran out from under the clouds with about 120 miles to Billings and it stayed pretty clear the rest of the way. The roads were mainly secondary roads and were in great shape so we made good time. Billings was interesting from the perspective we made the approach from the North and turned onto Business I-90. The city was to our right and probably 100′ to 200 ‘ below us. It certainly gives you a different view than most cities. The Flying J is on the East side of town so whatever traffic there might be in the morning we can avoid.

Good road and rolling hills. You can see the lack of trees.

What vegitation here is is pretty dry. so not a lot of rain.

And the same type of landscape. These pictures were taken closer to Great Falls than they were to Billings.