We were up early this morning and temps were in the upper 50s. After our walk and and Kelso’s breakfast we left the campsite but went to wash the RV. After all the road construction in the last several days it was dirty with mud and dust.
We left early, probably 7:30 am Alaska time so I decided that we would stop at the scenic turnouts along the way. I had been told the drive to Skagway had great scenery. The drive to Skagway is only about 110 miles so we would be in Skagway well before lunch. The first scenic turnout looked down on a lake called Emerald Lake and it is surrounded by mountains. It is a glacier created lake and I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I did seeing it in person. The next scenic turnout was about the explorers back in the 1860s and 1870s. The view was also a lake or very wide river that sat in a velly of the mountains.
We are in Skagway right now at the Pullen RV Park right down at the waterfront. I stopped here even though check-in time is not until 2:00 pm and we were fortunate, the campsite we were assigned was empty so we parked in it. There are 4 cruise ships in port and they are occasionally blowing their whistles signal something for the passengers. The sun is out and the temps are about 70 F.
Anyway back to the ride in. The last 20 miles or so were a pretty good grade down to Skagway on the water. The road and its turns did not allow for pictures to be taken while driving. I will stop at some of the turnouts on the way out. Just another fabulous scenery to behold. This may be better than the Valdez ride in, it certainly was longer and more highlights.
Kelso and I took a walk into Skagway Downtown. You can see from the photos that they have used the “Old Gold Rush” days as the theme for the buildings. Lots of Alaska items on sale, caps, shirts, gold nuggets, whale tail pendants, etc.. Kelso was a hit with the crowds and probably had 50 different people pet him.
I am writing this in my word processor because I am having trouble with the WiFi. I also had trouble last night at Hi-Country and that is why yesterday’s post is late. You are now seeing this because I solved my WiFi problem.
Emerald Lake looking Southwest.
Emerald Lake looking West.
This was part of the old time explorer’s route to the Bearing Sea.
A little further down the road toward Skagway.
Entering the edge of Skagway on a nice, warm sunny day.
Walking into downtown Skagway.
This is the Main Street in Skagway, from the upper right to the lower left. No traffic signals and no traffic. This is the road we came in on and it goes down to a main cruise ship dock.
These are awesome – Emerald Lake is beautiful.
I love Emerald Lake and the town of Slagaway! Fantastic photos, Larry!
Great pictures. When I was in Skagway the only way to get there was by boat or a narrow-gauge railroad train from Whitehorse that ran once a day and followed the old gold rush trail. The pictures of downtown look like things haven’t changed much since 1962.
We stopped in Skagway on our cruise about 20 yrs. Was such a cute town!