Pretty quiet morning today as we were the only boat at the Young’s Point Lock. It was a peaceful night and there was no noise from the cottagers.
The fishermen at the dam start real early. There were 2 at the dam when Candy and I ame out for the morning walk and that grew to 5 by the time we got back to the boat. I saw them land some sunfish yesterday.
Lot of lake travel today and the lock traffic is starting to pick-up. We have not had to wait at a lock because the one was already full of boats but that may come. All different sizes of boats in the locks, from the 16’ runabout to the 60’+ motor yacht.
Quite a few of the locks were not to much of a lift today, a couple of 6’, an 8’ and two 4’. We are starting to get near the summit of the Trent Severn and then we will start down
into the Georgian Bay.
The scenery has changed from the marshy grasslands to the Canadian Shield (Niagara Escarpment). The rocks are now everywhere and it is even more important to follow the channel and stay between the red and green markers.
We did have a problem with the chartplotter today. A few miles after we got started the charts ran out which usually just means changing the map overlay to a new area. Well I spent some time on this without any success. The best a could get was a rectilinear layout of the lakes and rivers on a land background with no features or annotations. I was back to navigating by paper charts.
We had planned on staying at Fenelon Falls at the lock wall because the Village had put in power to try and attrack more boaters. Well a free thing will always attract a crowd and there was no room on the wall when we got there at 2:00. I think all the spots had been taken for several hour already.
I called the Fenelon Falls Marina but the only thing he could do for a boat our size was to put us on the outside of the outer wall and there would be no power. Well that was
not going to work. We were having some problems with the generator and I did not want to take a chance. The generator did not appear to be pumping the normal amount of water and it sounded a little louder. I emptied the cooling water strainer which was full of weed but that did not appear to help much.
Anyway I called the Rosedale Marina, approximately 6 miles from the Fenelon Falls Lock and they could put us on the gas dock for the night but they asked us to arrive at 6:00 when they were closing so they could use the gas dock during the day. We went on across Cameron Lake and thru the Rosedale Lock and tied up at the upper lock
wall to wait before going the last ½ mile. The lock area was a very scenic spot with a nice park setting, just no power.
We had traveled with a boat named Ookpik, which means snow owl. The gentleman and his wife had completed the Loop several years ago and we chatted a little bit. They pulled in behind us at the lock wall and we had great conversation for the time we were there.
We arrived at the marina a little before 6:00 and there was a 46’ SeaRay tied to the gas dock. I called the marina and they said there was room behind them so I brought the boat in behind them and it was a tight fit but we were tied up for the night. The 46’ SeaRay was down bound and they were out of Owen Sound on the Georgian Bay.
I decided to look at the generator in the morning because the engine room was way to hot to go in to do any serious work.