Champ III: Going Places

The adventure starts here.

Nauticus Marina, Norfolk, VA. to Dozier Regatta Point Marina, Deltaville, VA. — May 9, 2013

After a couple of days of scattered showers it was nice to have a sunny morning with light winds from the south.

We got a late start today and the river was full of traffic.  No real large boats but none the less pretty busy.  It is about 12 miles from downtown Norfolk to get to the Chesapeake Bay and the traffic was gone by that time.  Along the way there are several miles of ship yards with most of the slips full of Navy ship undergoing some type of work.  There was even a Red Cross ship sitting in a slip.  We saw destroyers, battle ships and probably 4 aircraft carriers. It is amazing how many ships are there and then to realize there still is a Naval presence on several areas of the world.  There is a tour boat that goes from Norfolk to the ship yard and then cruises slowly by and I am sure they are relating information on all the boats that are there.

It was nice to be out on a “calm” big body of water.  The Chesapeake Bay was very kind to us today.  We cruised north just far enough offshore to make sure we were away from the shoals and shallow water.  Lots of crab pot markers to contend with but the style they use on the Chesapeake is easier to spot than those in Florida.  We passed maybe 4 or 5 sailboats and were passed by only one power boat.  We traveled most f the way at about 9 mph.  A nice slow pace.

Deltaville, VA is a nice small town with about 800 residents and probably 2,000 boats.  It has good access to the Chesapeake.  The Dozier Regatta Point Marina is the home to the Waterways Guide publications and they are sponsoring an after rendezvous get together for Loopers who are interested.  We stayed here because of the late start out of Norfolk but the area is very nice and worth a trip back.