Champ III: Going Places

The adventure starts here.

Sumter County Recreation Area

Left Columbus reasonably early because we had a long day ahead of us. We are going to anchor out and the best spot in Active Captain is the Sumter Recreation Area that has also been recommended by other loopers. It has a launch ramp located in a little bay that has it off the river and is well protected from wind. I like the idea because it gives us an area for Candy to go ashore in a somewhat developed area.
We are traveling today with a couple on a 48′ Jefferson named Heart of Gold. We 1st saw them several days ago at Pebble Isle Marina and we have been at a few of the marinas with them. Yesterday at Columbus they helped get Champ III in behind them at the transient dock. They are Greg and Jane from Indiana with the boat registered out of Saugatuck Michigan.
One of the pictures is an old Paddlewheeler that was on shore near one of the locks. I think it is probably used as a museum for the waterway and its development.
At the 2nd lock we were just about ready for the lock master to close the doors when a boater called in asking to hold the lock. He said we was about 5 miles out and could be at the lock in 5 minutes. Well it was more than 20 minutes.
We arrived at the anchorage about 5:20 and had trouble getting the anchor to hold and it was probably 6:15 by the time we were all set up.
There were 5 boats in the anchorage and it was perfect with no wind at all for the entire night. Everyone just kind of drifted in place.
Candy like the shore area because we did the walk off leash. They had a picnic area and an overlook of the little harbor along with the ramp and parking facilities.